When it comes to to the truly great confrontations of modern pop culture, be they Alien vs. Predator, Luke vs. Vader, or Marvel vs. Capcom, the most meaningful clashes of our time are made up of opposing sides. Artist Scott C. knows that, and he's crafted an ongoing series of art tributes that should be in the of Tumblr feeds of cinema and sci-fi buffs alike.

"These are the struggles that make us stop what we are doing and sort of check things out... wondering what the eff," C. wrote for the sidebar on GreatShowdowns.com. His picks pull from Quentin Tarantino movies, "The Goonies" and numerous other cult tales, and even in the case of "A Clockwork Orange," Scott C.'s pinhole eyes and cute little figures show up in a number of fights that you may not have contemplated recently, but will no doubt see in a new light after today.

Scott C.'s is a world where violent knife fights are all part of the fun of living in movie land and Neo and Agent Smith both had a good chuckle over some bullet dodging. The good news is that their world can be your world, too, in the gallery after the jump.

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