DC Universe Online, the massively multiplayer role-playing game set the world of DC Comics, is slated to debut this spring, but ComicsAlliance had the chance to play the game early at the Sony Online Entertainment offices in Austin, Texas. SPOILER: It was totally awesome. We'll have detailed notes on our first-hand experience playing the game, but first we've got a photo tour of the SOE offices, which were a crazy fun place to visit. The worst thing about that place was having to leave at the end, since sadly the massive Red Bull and soda fridge is now a place I can only visit in my dreams. There was tons and tons and tons of concept art on display, and we've got photos to share.

Legendary writer Marv Wolfman was on hand, since worked on DCUO as well. He too is amused by the rotating motivational parody posters in the lobby. Or maybe just gold farmers generally.

This wall of concept art went on... and on... and on...

...and on...

and on.

A digital rendering of the famous Jim Lee Superman art.

The desk of one DCUO staff member who was already pretty firmly on the DC Comics bandwagon.

Note the three extra sketches specifically of Wonder Woman's butt. It's all in the details.

Diagrams of game functions that we didn't actually understand

Scarecrow and Circe art

A handmade plaque on a cubicle wall tells you everything you need to know

If your job involves a meeting room labeled "Batcave," you're probably doing something right with your life.

Disclosure: Sony Online Entertainment provided for airfare, hotel, and meal costs for this visit.

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