While it's pretty safe to say that the timeless joy of Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes comic strips at least partially eclipses the more sinister ambiguity conjured by the 1999 cinematic adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club, there's something to be said for Gorilla Mask's trailer mashup of the two. Attempts to comedically re-frame the relationship between young Calvin and his tiger pal Hobbes don't always delight Watterson's most passionate fans, but for those who felt fire in their belly after watching Ed Norton confront Brad Pitt, it's definitely worth a look after the jump.It's been a dozen years since Fight Club became a hit, so hopefully it's not much of a spoiler to report that the mashup plays off C&H and FC's arguably shared imaginary friend elements. In both cases, it's really up to the audience to make sense of (or choose not to make sense of) the relationships between the protagonists. Of course, if Jack had grown up with parents and friends like Calvin's, he probably wouldn't have had to turn to Tyler to come to terms with the Clinton Years.

See if you connect with the mashup's juxtaposition below:

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