In today's Information Age, trying to keep up with news can be a major hassle. With so many sources covering different topics with varying viewpoints, the choices available to you through the Internet are often more overwhelming than anything else, and the sheer time investment required to read everything means that for most stuff, you never get past the headline. Fortunately, cartoonist Eric Wedum has created a solution.

Over at his website, F-ckYeahHeadlines, Wedum claims "I don't particularly like to read," which is why he's created a news source for today's modern person to consume on the go: Every weekday, he reads a headline -- just the headline -- at a major news source, then illustrates his vision of how the story might've played out.

Sure, they may not be as "accurate" or "informative" as the actual news stories, but on the other hand, they are way more awesome. Check out our favorites after the jump!

The only downside here is that now, I want to live in a world where newspapers comment on which designers are on the cutting edge of Grouch fashion and whether Grandma was able to take out John Malkovich and his team of miscreants, but really, that's not a feeling I don't have every single day of my life.

For more, check out Wedum's daily updates at!

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