Comics: Whoa, that's a full rainbow, all the way. Double Rainbow. Oh my god. [Marvel]

Hollywood: "Watchmen" producer Lloyd Levin has acquired the film rights for Matt Wagner's "Mage." [Variety]

Characters: Superman has a run in with concrete kryptonite. [The Beat]

Television: Cinematographer David Boyd talks about his experiences shooting "The Walking Dead." [AMC]

Comics: So, "Inception." "Uncle Scrooge." Seems like you two have a lot to talk about. [Slash Film]

Webcomics: Jeffrey Rowland knows who let the dogs out. [Overcompensating]

Food: That's one heck of a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man cake. [Eataku]

Art: Martian Manhunter was in need of a redesign, so artist Daniel Irizarri helped him along. [Project Rooftop]

Video: You might not think this "Inception" parody has anything to do with comic books - but stick around until the end. [College Humor]

Fashion: So, this awesome Hulk T-shirt was once available for purchase. It isn't anymore. Sorry about that. But it's still awesome to look at, right? [Tee Fury]

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