Marvel's big-screen incarnations of Steve Rogers and The Red Skull in Captain America: The First Avenger look absolutely nothing like their counterparts in the art of visual warlock Mike Mitchell. If, however, the film were to be preceded by a short animated feature directed by Tim Burton, Mitchell would probably make a fine collaborator.
Based out of Los Angeles, Mitchell hangs his .jpeg files up in the galleries on his site He sells prints there as well, including one of a Viking riding a unicorn that will hopefully inspire a world class opera somewhere before we all die. Most likely, you are already aware of him thanks to his famous BP and Conan O'Brien paintings, though.

In the meantime while you wait for that opera to happen, do partake in the eyeball pleasurefest he's already provided in the form of Batman as a Mexican wrestler and a portrait of the Imperial AT-AT Walker as a giant kitten.

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