The world of comic books is full of debates as to who is the strongest, the fastest, the toughest or just the plain best, but it’s often hard to come to a decisive idea about who is the greatest in their field. In MVP, we want to know which character stands head and shoulders above their peers and contemporaries, and we asked for your help to do it.

In the debut edition of MVP, we asked for your votes to determine the greatest heroine of the Golden Age of comics, and the votes have now been tallied, giving us a solid top ten of some of the most iconic heroes in comics. While a few of the entrants on the list may come as no surprise, there's one or two entrants who cracked the top ten that could benefit from a modern age revival.

One of the most interesting things to look at in our top ten poll is the disparity between the Golden Age of DC Comics and Marvel, or at least the companies that would go on to become DC and Marvel. Marvel only had one hero crack the top ten, while DC's Golden Age gave us the majority of the list. Fifty percent of the heroes featured are DC originals, and two more began life elsewhere but were folded into DC Comics at a later point.

Next week on MVP, we answer the question of who is the greatest Birds of Prey member, but there's still time to vote in the poll and have your voice heard.


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