Every new image from the upcoming Logan seems to work as hard as it can to drive the same point home: THIS MOVIE WILL BE DARK AND GRITTY. This superhero movie is not like other superhero movies, because of death and seriousness and a Children of Men-esque color palette. While the constant reminders are getting a little old, it’s still pretty exciting that a superhero movie featuring a character as popular as Wolverine is choosing to go a different route, opting for realism (as much as it can, that is) and emotion rather than becoming a special effects soup. The new Logan poster continues the trend with a design that’s all the more intense for its simplicity.

20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox

It looks more like the cover of a Johnny Cash album than an X-Men movie. The title font itself features none of the shiny chrome effects of other X-Men movies of the past, and it’s not made up of a group of heroes stacked on top of each other via Photoshop. It honestly looks like the poster for a throwback western, except Wolverine’s claws are there to remind you who the main character is. Familiar faces like him and Professor X will be back, but the setting and mood are going to be entirely different.

There are also rumors floating around that a new trailer for the movie, hopefully showing us more of the actual plot, will be dropping in January, so stay tuned.

Logan, starring Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Stephen Merchant, and Richard E. Grant, hits theaters March 3, 2017.

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