Occupy Avengers, the upcoming series from David F. Walker and Carlos Pacheco, sees Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye, borrowing a name from an activist movement that was a really big deal in 2011 as he attempts to "take back justice!"

Occupy Wall Street was a movement that focused on economic inequality. Going by the synopsis provided by Marvel along with this preview, Occupy Avengers is about standing up for regular people in a world of superheroes, though the unlettered preview seems to show Clint and Red Wolf fighting regular humans rather than super-people. On the other hand, those humans have a ton of guns and are shooting them at Clint, so we can assume they're bad guys.

So the premise is a bit mysterious, and Red Wolf hasn't been well-handled recently, if ever. But the art looks great, and Walker is a promising choice of writer, so we're interested to see where it goes. Check out the preview pages below.


Art by Carlos Pacheco
Art by Carlos Pacheco
Art by Carlos Pacheco
Art by Carlos Pacheco
Variant Cover by Michael Cho
Variant Cover by Michael Cho
Hip-Hop Variant by Marco D'Alfonso
Hip-Hop Variant by Marco D'Alfonso
Action Figure Variant by John Tyler Christopher
Action Figure Variant by John Tyler Christopher


Here's the official word from Marvel:


Super heroes – they’re a privileged class. Doing what they want, when they want and suffering none of the consequences. They have no regard for the ordinary people who are left behind to suffer in their wake. Something has to change. Today, Marvel is pleased to present your first look at OCCUPY AVENGERS #1 – the brand-new series launching this November from critically acclaimed creators David F. Walker (Power Man and Iron Fist, Nighthawk) and Carlos Pacheco (Captain America, Uncanny Inhumans)! The question remains – who will stand up for the little guy? There is a man. If you can find him, and if he believes in your cause – he and his friends will put things right. Some call them outlaws, rebels, vigilantes. To others, they’re heroes, through and through.

No powers to speak of – just skills, smarts and a burning desire to do what’s right. His name is Clint Barton, Hawkeye. And it’s time to take back justice! Don’t miss the thrilling debut of Hawkeye’s new team of heroes on November 2nd when OCCUPY AVENGER #1 comes to comic shops and digital devices everywhere!


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