Zodiac Starforce is a team of cosmically-powered teenage girls who starred in their own Dark Horse miniseries by writer Kevin Panetta and artist Paulina Ganucheau back in 2015. And their returning for another series this summer, Zodiac Starforce: Cries of the Fire Prince. Panetta and Ganucheau have been promising that the Magical Girl-inspired team would return ever since the first series ended, but it's exciting to finally hear the date and title from Dark Horse.

We don't know much about the new story, except that it involves an all-new villain. Maybe that villain is the Fire Prince, or maybe he's someone who needs rescuing from the villain --- he is crying, after all. Either way, these characters were a lot of fun to spend time with the first time around, and it's going to be awesome having them back when Zodiac Starforce: Cries of the Fire Prince #1 comes out on July 5, 2017.


Variant Cover Art by Jen Bartel
Variant Cover Art by Jen Bartel

Here's the official word from Dark Horse:

Dark Horse is excited to announce Zodiac Starforce: Cries of the Fire Prince, the follow-up to the breakout hit Zodiac Starforce: By the Power of Astra by Kevin Panetta (Bloom) and Paulina Ganucheau (Mae, Another Castle). 2015’s Zodiac Starforce: By the Power of Astra spawned a passionate fan base and a second printing.

The Zodiac Starforce is an elite group of teenage girls with magical powers who have sworn to protect our planet against dark creatures. After defeating former Zodiac Starforce member Diana and her mean-girl minions, the girls thought they’d get a little break from protecting our world. Unfortunately, Zodiac Starforce: Cries of the Fire Prince finds our favorite magical teenage girls battling a new big bad!


Note: Artist Paulina Ganucheau has a professional relationship with CA editor Andrew Wheeler. However, Wheeler has no involvement with this series, or with the subsequent coverage.

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