Nick Fury Agent of Shield

53 Years Ago in Comics: Nick Fury Blasts Into Action!
53 Years Ago in Comics: Nick Fury Blasts Into Action!
53 Years Ago in Comics: Nick Fury Blasts Into Action!
War hero. Secret agent. Government stooge. Machiavellian mastermind. Washed-up antique. Ageless warrior. Man out of time. Roughneck brawler. Unyielding patriot. Intergalactic assassin. Nick Fury has been all these things, and many more, since his first appearance on March 5th 1963. He's a universal plot device, a character that can be adjusted and adapted to fit whatever a given story needs. He's been young, he's been old, he's been dead, he's been everywhere at once, he's been in hiding, he's been blindsided by corruption, he's been dead again, and he's been secretly behind the scenes the whole time. He's even been replaced by robot duplicates more times than anyone can remember.
Celebrating the Extraordinary Life and Career of Jim Steranko
Celebrating the Extraordinary Life and Career of Jim Steranko
Celebrating the Extraordinary Life and Career of Jim Steranko
Of all the artists who've made a permanent impact on comics, Jim Steranko did so the quickest, solving the puzzle in the fewest moves. Born on this day in 1938, he's had many occupations --- artist, writer, magician, escapologist, musician, designer, publisher, scholar, innovator, raconteur, living legend, and Twitter celebrity. His life and art are so singular that only one word seems to describe him: Steranko.
ComicsAlliance Reviews 'Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.'
ComicsAlliance Reviews 'Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.'
ComicsAlliance Reviews 'Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.'
So, what family obligation will you be ignoring to watch Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. tonight? Well, ComicsAlliance gives you permission to ignore the guilt: wedding anniversaries happen all the time; greatest moments in television history only happen once every fifteen years. To celebrate the newest greatest moment in television history, we hereby present our review of the original one: 1998'
15 Comic Book TV Shows That Didn’t Make it to the Small Screen
15 Comic Book TV Shows That Didn’t Make it to the Small Screen
15 Comic Book TV Shows That Didn’t Make it to the Small Screen
Syfy just announced their upcoming television development slate, including a new Booster Gold series. Hopefully, Booster Gold will make it past his pilot, but not all comic-to-TV adaptations do. In fact, for every Smallville, there seems to be a Bruce Wayne that lies in the development afterlife, never to appear in syndication...