
Bizarro Back Issues: Superboy Becomes a Super-Man (With Sex) (1977)
Bizarro Back Issues: Superboy Becomes a Super-Man (With Sex) (1977)
Bizarro Back Issues: Superboy Becomes a Super-Man (With Sex) (1977)
As much as I tend to enjoy Superboy stories for their sheer kookiness, I've never really been a big fan of the concept. For the most part, they tend to just be standard Superman stories with Metropolis swapped out for Smallville and a slightly different girl with an alliterative name giving him a headache...
Bizarro Back Issues, Cartoon Edition: ‘The Fantastic Mr. Frump’ (1981)
Bizarro Back Issues, Cartoon Edition: ‘The Fantastic Mr. Frump’ (1981)
Bizarro Back Issues, Cartoon Edition: ‘The Fantastic Mr. Frump’ (1981)
On the big list of things I like an awful lot, Spider-Man, Dr. Doom and Jem and the Holograms are three entries you'll find pretty close to the top. I love those things, so you can imagine how thrilled I was when Dylan Todd told me that there was a place all three came together: An episode of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends where Dr...
Bizarro Back Issues: The Joker Commits Moon Crimes in ‘Public Luna-Tic Number One’ (1969)
Bizarro Back Issues: The Joker Commits Moon Crimes in ‘Public Luna-Tic Number One’ (1969)
Bizarro Back Issues: The Joker Commits Moon Crimes in ‘Public Luna-Tic Number One’ (1969)
Saying that the Joker has done a lot of weird stuff in his time is putting it pretty mildly. From trying to patent poisoned fish to serving as Iranian ambassador to the United Nations, the dude has been up to some pretty strange stuff. But never, in a 70-year history of thematic villainy, has he done anything stranger than he did in July of 1969, because that was when he turned his dastardly crim
Bizarro Back Issues: The Hundred-Year-Old Robot That Stole Batman’s Girlfriend in 1977
Bizarro Back Issues: The Hundred-Year-Old Robot That Stole Batman’s Girlfriend in 1977
Bizarro Back Issues: The Hundred-Year-Old Robot That Stole Batman’s Girlfriend in 1977
Batman is not exactly what you'd call a normal man. In pretty much every respect, he's at least steps beyond the average guy, and when he has problems, they go beyond the average too. For example, a normal people develop a crush on someone and not be sure how to express their feelings, or have the object of their affection spurn their advances, but that's generally where the problem stops... Read
Bizarro Back Issues: Batman in The Worst Thanksgiving Ever
Bizarro Back Issues: Batman in The Worst Thanksgiving Ever
Bizarro Back Issues: Batman in The Worst Thanksgiving Ever
The time is once again here for Thanksgiving in America, and while most of us just use the holiday as an excuse to binge on turkey, there is a deeper meaning behind it. It's the day that we set aside to honor the time that the Native Americans helped out the Pilgrims, who would not have otherwise survived the harsh winter in their new home...
Bizarro Back Issues: Commissioner Gordon vs. the Space Alien (1978)
Bizarro Back Issues: Commissioner Gordon vs. the Space Alien (1978)
Bizarro Back Issues: Commissioner Gordon vs. the Space Alien (1978)
Who's the most normal member of Batman's vast supporting cast? Well, even during the most bizarre years of Batman's career -- the age of Bat-Mite and Bat-Hound, the Zebra Batman, King Batman the First, Rip van Batman, and travels to alien worlds and different eras in time -- at least one element of the Batman comic books remained relatively Earthbound: Batman's pal Commissioner James Gordon... R