
The Replacements: Hank Pym And The Legacy Of Ant-Man And More
The Replacements: Hank Pym And The Legacy Of Ant-Man And More
The Replacements: Hank Pym And The Legacy Of Ant-Man And More
Since the dawn of the Silver Age, legacy characters have been a staple of superhero fiction, and having a new character step into a well loved role can open up new opportunities for writers and artists to tell different kinds of stories. In The Replacements, we’ll look back at the notable and not-so-notable heroes and villains to assume some of the most iconic mantles in the superhero genre. Hank Pym has been many things throughout his career, and he's a man of many names. He started out as Ant-Man, and shortly after joining The Avengers he became Giant-Man. He created the Yellowjacket personality after being expelled from the group, he went by his own name as Dr. Pym for a while, and he briefly adopted the codename The Wasp in honor of his fallen ex-wife, original Wasp Janet Van Dyne. This week we look at the proteges, successors, and even villains that have walked in the footsteps of Hank Pym.
Hasbro SDCC Exclusive Ant-Man Box Set Review
Hasbro SDCC Exclusive Ant-Man Box Set Review
Hasbro SDCC Exclusive Ant-Man Box Set Review
Did you know there's a superhero called Ant-Man, and that he's going to be starring in a major motion picture later this month? Have you also been living with three other people in a bunker run by a mysterious man who thinks he has what it takes to be on The Apprentice (RIP) for the last twenty years? There's a lot of hype surrounding the pint-sized Marvel hero these days, and in an effort to serve the fervor surrounding Ant-Man, Hasbro is releasing a limited box set featuring the original Ant-Man, Hank Pym, in some of his most famous incarnations. Throughout the years, Hank Pym has been many heroes. Though he's most synonymous with the Ant-Man persona, Pym has also been Giant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket, and the Wasp. He also accidentally created the genocidal artificial intelligence Ultron, but since that's not what happened in the movies, it doesn't count in real life any more. And as luck (and keen marketing) would have it, almost all of those alternate identities are captured here in the San Diego Comic-Con exclusive set.