Jon Lewis

Buy This Book: 'Cartozia Tales'
Buy This Book: 'Cartozia Tales'
Buy This Book: 'Cartozia Tales'
Cartozia Tales is an idea I wish I'd had. Actually, that's not quite accurate. Cartozia Tales is a bunch of ideas that I wish I'd had, put together inside of yet another idea that I wish I'd had. It's a Matryoshka doll of seething jealousy on my part, and if it wasn't so good, I'd hate it. Fortunately for everyone -- particularly the people reading every issue, like I plan to -- editor Isaac Cates
Crowd Funding Watch: ‘Home Of The Brave’ Tackles Human Trafficking
Crowd Funding Watch: ‘Home Of The Brave’ Tackles Human Trafficking
Crowd Funding Watch: ‘Home Of The Brave’ Tackles Human Trafficking
Though it's true that crowd-source funding has been a huge help to independent comics creators, it's not easy to follow through on large projects. Both Kickstarter and IndieGoGo have their benefits and drawbacks -- Kickstarter is more popular but doesn't allow projects to keep any money unless they meet their fundraising goal...