
100 X-Men: Rating Sunspot, Pixie, Leech, Revanche, Quicksilver
100 X-Men: Rating Sunspot, Pixie, Leech, Revanche, Quicksilver
100 X-Men: Rating Sunspot, Pixie, Leech, Revanche, Quicksilver
Who are the greatest ever X-Men? We’re going to try to answer that question with your help, by putting the spotlight on different individual X-Men from across the franchise’s long history and pairing up your votes with the votes and opinions of our panel of highly opinionated X-Men fans. Your scores will be added to ours to determine the top 100 X-Men. Today, we're going around some of the classic teams, with an original New Mutant, an X-Factor kid, and even an actual Evil Mutant (who later became an X-Factor regular). Plus, the most charming pink-haired mutant of them all, and one of the more troubling purple-haired ladies.