
Dark Reflections: The History Of Zoom And The Reverse Flash
Dark Reflections: The History Of Zoom And The Reverse Flash
Dark Reflections: The History Of Zoom And The Reverse Flash
Fans of The CW’s The Flash may still be reeling from the revelations regarding Zoom’s identity in recent episodes, but fans of the comics could have seen it coming all along. The first season turned everything on its ear by revealing Earth-1 Harrison Wells had been replaced by Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash, and this season’s twist is even bigger, with implications for two universes. The concept of an opposite or reverse Flash dates back over sixty-five years, and each incarnation of The Flash has his own evil doppelganger that has risen up to try and tarnish the legacy of the Speed Force. From obsessive super-fans to strange family ties, the history of The Reverse Flash is as bizarre as any other super-legacy, and we’ve put together profiles of six of the most notorious men to put a nasty spin on the Flash mantle.