the influencing machine

Comics Alliance Gift Guide: Comics For Political Activists
Comics Alliance Gift Guide: Comics For Political Activists
Comics Alliance Gift Guide: Comics For Political Activists
We live in politically charged times, and it seems that more people are finding their voice and speaking out about the very many negative aspects of modern politics and politicians. If you have someone in your life that seeks to shake up the system and speak truth to power, we've assembled a holiday gift guide packed with comics perfect for the dissident in you life.
‘The Influencing Machine’ Shows the Medium Isn’t the (Entire) Message [Review]
‘The Influencing Machine’ Shows the Medium Isn’t the (Entire) Message [Review]
‘The Influencing Machine’ Shows the Medium Isn’t the (Entire) Message [Review]
In last month's The Goon #39, writer/artist Eric Powell follows up a devastating satirical takedown of modern superhero comics --specifically DC's New 52 line -- with an essay titled "Where's Our Harry Potter?" Powell passionately argues that comics should tell, and must tell, more than just superhero stories to survive...