we stand on guard

War Comes Home in Vaughan & Skroce's 'We Stand On Guard'
War Comes Home in Vaughan & Skroce's 'We Stand On Guard'
War Comes Home in Vaughan & Skroce's 'We Stand On Guard'
Brian K. Vaughan’s newest series, We Stand On Guard with artist Steve Skroce, returns the writer to the realm of political allegory in the blunt tradition of George Orwell’s greatest novels. Here Vaughan and Skroce are addressing the 2003 Invasion of Iraq through a science fiction narrative. We Stand On Guard takes place about 100 years in the future when the United States invades Canada after the White House is bombed in a drone strike from an unknown source. The story jumps from the initial invasion to 12 years in the future when the United States occupies Canada and only small bands of freedom fighters struggle against the American troops.