If you're a Batman movie fan like I am -- and especially fond of Batman Begins -- set your TIVO/VCR to record tonight's Charlie Rose Show, as the veteran PBS chat host talks to Christian Bale, in the midst of a press tour for his latest film, the well-reviewed Werner Herzog biopic Rescue Dawn.

Here's hoping Rose will pry a few details from the Welsh-born actor about the Batman sequel, The Dark Knight. Just in case you miss it, however, I suspect you'll be able to catch some clips from tonight's show posted tomorrow on CharlieRose.com.

Till then, enjoy this short interview Rose did with Bale, sporting a Bat-American accent, and director Christopher Nolan after the opening of Batman Begins two short years ago.

UPDATE: Should you have forgotten to set the TIVO again, here's last night's interview with Bale on Charlie Rose.

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