We've taken a look at a few of the apps slated to hit the iPad this Saturday, but early reviews for the device seem to really be responding to the readily-available Marvel Comics application reportedly produced by ComiXology.

BleedingCool and CBR have early roundups of critical reactions to the app. They're all kind of in the "Yowza!" ballpark and point out how the app and the iPad deliver the kind of intuitive reading process fans have been expecting. Essentially readers will have different orientations, zoom capabilities and natural page turnage all at the ready. As it stands, all of the review excerpts seem pretty encouraging to say the least (provided iPad reviewers aren't as obnoxious as us and are avoiding April 1 humor).

Given that this is the only app up and running in time for initial reviews (as far as we iPadless bloggers can surmise) we can only wait and see how iVerse, Comic Zeal and other apps will stack up compared to Marvel and ComiXology's offering, but at least there's something of a standard set by these initial impressions.

These reviewers are focusing mostly on the iPad's overall performance, which is to be expected, but I'm most interested in the direct market's quasi blockade of simultaneous print/digital releases and whether publishers like Marvel are going to address it as devices like the iPad continue to roll out. I love my LCS and print as much as the next fan and I don't wish them any malice, but I'd trade single issues in a heartbeat for same-day digital downloads on an iPad and save my extra moolah for printed trades. Still, if I can get back-issues, missed orders or classic comics via this app, I'll stifle my snark and start maxing out my credit card.

You can check out PC Mag's video review starting at around the 3:37 mark after the jump.

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