StewartFollowing a spectacular debut in the Detective Comics storyline "Elegy" and a maddeningly enticing preview in November's Batwoman #0, the J.H. Williams III interpretation of Batwoman is thissss close to launching her first ongoing series in earnest, as Batwoman #1 finally goes on sale next month. Co-written with W. Haden Blackman, "Hydrology" will find the heroine Kate Kane running up against a gauntlet of both villains and personal struggles that seem especially harrowing even by the already impressive standards of superhero comics.

Naturally, Batwoman #1 will come with Williams' typically stunning artwork, which DC Comics blog The Source previewed today. We've got that material as well as some previously released uncolored pages for you to compare it with. As beautiful as Williams' originals are, we think you'll agree colorist Dave Stewart helps makes Batwoman the best looking comic book of the year.



Art and Cover by J.H. WILLIAMS III

1:10 Variant Cover by AMY REEDER

The multiple award-winning creative team of J.H. Williams III (DETECTIVE COMICS) and W. Haden Blackman (Star Wars, Force Unleashed) launch the first, chilling arc of the ongoing series fans have been clamoring for! In the 5-part "Hydrology," Batwoman faces bizarre new challenges in her war against the dark underworld of Gotham and new trials in her personal life as Kate Kane. She quickly finds herself in the deep end facing truths about her past and her future. Who – or what – is stealing children from Gotham's barrio, and for what twisted purpose? Can she train her cousin Bette Kane (a.k.a. Flamebird) as her new sidekick? How will she handle dark revelations about her father, Colonel Jacob Kane? How is she dealing with the supposed drowning of her sister, the villain known as Alice? And why is a certain government agency suddenly taking an interest in her? The road to the answers begins here!



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