Jon Gutierrez

Bat Stuck In Hell: Songs From the Lost Batman Musical
As the Spider-Man's big musical debut, "Spider-Man: Turn Out the Dark," continues its uncertain march to a possible Broadway premiere, our spider-sense is warning us of a possible huge spider-flop. It sounds ridiculous from the start: A Spider-Man musical written by U2's Bono, directed by the Julie Taymor (who directed the Broadway version of "The Lion King"), with Alan Cumming

The Many Depowerings of Dr. Strange
So, it's official, Earth 616 has a new Sorcerer Supreme: Brother Voodoo, perhaps best known for... being Brother Voodoo. It makes you feel bad for Strange, who has now lost every job he's had since college. It's hard not to imagine him sitting around that giant Bleeker Street brownstone of his, wearing his sweats of levitation, eating the Triscuits of Agamatto and just getting in the way of Wong's

The Real Astro Boy Story: Depressing as Hell
With the new Hollywood CGI Astro Boy now out in theaters, the usual question comes to mind: how close will it be to the original comic? And the answer for most US comic fans is..."who the heck actually read Astro Boy?" Well, we did. And we're betting the movie's changed a lot of this sad story of one robot's struggle against anti-robot racism...