
New ‘Captain America: Super Soldier’ Game Images Show Off Movie-Style Arnim Zola Robot
New ‘Captain America: Super Soldier’ Game Images Show Off Movie-Style Arnim Zola Robot
New ‘Captain America: Super Soldier’ Game Images Show Off Movie-Style Arnim Zola Robot
With Dr. Arnim Zola set to appear in at least his human form in Captain America: The First Avenger, fans of disgusting evil torso faces everywhere have been squirming to find out whether the HYDRA scientist's robot form would manifest. While his robo status in the Cap movie may still be in question, it's nice to see Arnim Zola will be 100 percent punchable in Sega's videogame tie-in Captain Americ
‘Captain America: Super Soldier’  Video Game Villains Get the Spotlight in New Images
‘Captain America: Super Soldier’ Video Game Villains Get the Spotlight in New Images
‘Captain America: Super Soldier’ Video Game Villains Get the Spotlight in New Images
Leading up to the July 19 release of its Captain America: The First Avenger videogame tie-in, Captain America: Super Soldier, Sega's introducing fans to key villains they'll face in battle via development dossiers and mug shot profiles. Cap will throw down with a variety of foes on his journey in, around and through a HYDRA castle fortress, meaning mondo familiar (and totally evil) faces will be p
The 7 Most Awesome Moments From Jack Kirby's 'Captain America'
The 7 Most Awesome Moments From Jack Kirby's 'Captain America'
The 7 Most Awesome Moments From Jack Kirby's 'Captain America'
This week, Marvel is putting out a massive omnibus edition of Jack Kirby's 1976 run on Captain America, and if you've never read it, you need to. That's why today, I'm going back through my archives to bring you the Most Awesome Moments from Jack Kirby's Captain America!I'll admit, as much as I would've loved to see him keep doing New Gods, OMAC and The Demon for another decade, I absolutely love