Yesterday DC Comics launched its new Batman: Arkham Origins - A DC Comics MultiVerse Graphic Novel app, which serves as a choose-your-own-adventure style motion comic prequel to WB Games Montreal's video game of the same name. Befitting of its status as a video game tie-in, this is a "freemium" experience. You download a free 8-page setup before reaching a fork in the narrative road and
If you wanted a few more origins in Batman: Arkham Origins, seven bucks will get you just that tomorrow.
The new "Initiation" DLC joins up with Bruce Wayne before he became Batman, as he travels through the Paektu-San Mountains of North Korea and tries out his martial arts moves in a bamboo forest, a monastery and two other new challenge maps. It looks about as close as fans can get to p
In the world of video games, it's been a pretty big year for sequels. Of course, it's kind of always a pretty big year for sequels, but in the past few months alone, we've gotten Grand Theft Auto V, Saints Row IV, Assassin's Creed: Stabbin' In The Pirate Times, a new Pokémon game, and more. For those of us who have a keen interest in seeing Batman punching people right smack in their big ol' stupi