After months (or, really, years) of buildup, Batman: Arkham Origins is hitting store shelves today. With all the stuff we've seen from the game so far, it hardly seems to need to prove much to fans, but a set of launch-day screenshots proves something, anyway: There will be fighting. Lots and lots of fightng.
It's Christmas Eve. A bunch of assassins are out to earn a $50 million bounty on Batman's head. And boy, do they want it.
The new launch trailer for Batman: Arkham Origins spends quite a bit of time on just how much the bad guys want Batman dead, with phrases like "personal mission" and "dedicate every waking minute." It's intense. Check out the trailer after the jump.
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There's a great old gag from The Simpsons in which Homer, who's trying out to be a member of the secret society the Stonecutters, is going through an initiation ceremony that involves him getting hit in the butt with paddles over and over. The members of the group keep doing the same thing to him, but they call it different names, like "Crossing the Desert" and "The Unblinking Eye.&
With just a few days left to go before the October 25 release of Batman: Arkham Origins, WB Games Montreal has released a 17-minute video of gameplay, guided by Senior Producer Ben Mattes and Gameplay Director Michael McIntyre, to get players psyched.
Anyone familiar with Rocksteady Games' previous two Arkham games (they weren't involved this time) will instantly recognize the combat and the way B
Batman is a character with many facets. On the one hand, he's an orphan who witnessed his parents being gunned down in front of him, which led him to a lifelong crusade to do the impossible. On the other hand, he's a guy who beats up thugs using car doors and that's pretty funny.
These two new TV ads for WB Games Montreal's Batman: Arkham Origins (one of which, we should note, is actually a Gamest