
Link Ink: New ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ Footage, ‘Assassin’s Creed’ Comics and the Iron Scooter
Link Ink: New ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ Footage, ‘Assassin’s Creed’ Comics and the Iron Scooter
Link Ink: New ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ Footage, ‘Assassin’s Creed’ Comics and the Iron Scooter
Movies: The Australian trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man contains a bit of new footage. Anime: Funimation has announced a big product rollout for 2012, including a new app and tons of Tenchi. Movies: Judge Dredd co-creator John Wagner has seen Dredd, and gave it his approval online, writing that it's "true to character, visceral, unrelentingly violent (but not off-puttingly so)... Read M
Link Ink: Pikachu Toast, ‘Iron Man 3′ Gets a Villain and Angie Wang’s ‘Girl Apocalypse’
Link Ink: Pikachu Toast, ‘Iron Man 3′ Gets a Villain and Angie Wang’s ‘Girl Apocalypse’
Link Ink: Pikachu Toast, ‘Iron Man 3′ Gets a Villain and Angie Wang’s ‘Girl Apocalypse’
Art: A Japanese toast artist by the moniker of Kummy burns a mean slice of Pikachu for breakfast. Movies: Variety reports that James Badge Dale has been cast as the Iron Man 3 as Eric Savin/Coldblood. Digital: In an interview with ICv2, Image Publisher Eric Stephenson revealed that, though it varies from title to title, "digital is a double digit percentage of sales," overall for the
Harley Quinn Seeks Revenge in ‘Batman: Arkham City’ Game of the Year Edition [Video]
Harley Quinn Seeks Revenge in ‘Batman: Arkham City’ Game of the Year Edition [Video]
Harley Quinn Seeks Revenge in ‘Batman: Arkham City’ Game of the Year Edition [Video]
Batman: Arkham City is getting a Game of the Year Edition on PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles on May 29, and among its many bonus contents is a "Harley Quinn's Revenge" expansion, confirming info from earlier this month that players will get to spend some time as Robin (and others) facing the Joker's main squeeze...