Eternal Warrior Heads To North Carolina In 'Book Of Death'
As a resident of the Carolinas, I can tell you with pretty solid certainty that the only reason to drive through the wilderness of North Carolina is to get barbecue. That's where you find the really good stuff, those out of the way places where sometimes --- and this is actually true --- you just hand a man standing outside of a house a five dollar bill and he comes back with a bag full of food and you drive off without exchanging a single word. That's it, that's the only reason to ever drive around out there, although I'll admit that it's a pretty good one.
Unfortunately, it seems that nobody told that to Gilad Anni-Padda, the Eternal Warrior, who is spending some time in the fourth issue of Valiant's Book of Death cruising around in a pickup truck --- and instead of Lexington-style vinegar-based BBQ, he's just getting some ominous prophecies about the end of the world.