'Angel Catbird' Is Going To Have A Cat Dracula Named Catula
There's a lot to like about Margaret Atwood, Johnnie Christmas and Tamra Bonvillain's upcoming Angel Catbird graphic novel, but I think the thing that really grabbed me about it is that it's exactly what it says on the cover. It is literally the story of a new superhero who is part-angel, part-cat, and part-bird, and in these uncertain times, I appreciate a book that's being straightforward with its readers.
But now, I have something else to be excited about. As we head towards the release of Angel Catbird Volume 1 in September, Dark Horse has already announced the upcoming Angel Catbird Vol. 2: To Castle Catula, in which Angel Catbird will face off against a devil-winged half-cat half-Dracula --- and there is no way that I'm not reading that comic the second it comes out.