With all eyes on the next entry in the DC Cinematic Universe, it’s hard to say what is under more pressure: Wonder Woman, the World War II-era superhero and savior of the modern world, or Wonder Woman, the first female-directed movie in the modern blockbuster era and a stab at social relevance for the beleaguered executives at Warner Bros. The first Wonder Woman trailer that debuted at Comic-Con hit all the right notes for an exciting and female-driven superhero movie; would additional trailers walk back that promise or deliver more of the same?
With zero female-led superhero movies since 2008’s Iron Man, and one of the best movie trailers of the year, Patty Jenkins has a lot of expectations to fulfill with her upcoming Wonder Woman. Ideally, she shouldn’t, and we’d have an equal number of men and women leading the charge against Chitauri or Dark Elves or warmongering arms dealers, but the prospect of finally seeing a powerful lady at the center of her own movie is exciting nonetheless. But with all these guy protagonists out there, how do you make a female superhero relatable? It’s not actually that hard. Just treat her like a male superhero.
As promised yesterday, a new Wonder Woman trailer has arrived and it is PACKED with new footage — from Diana’s home world of Themyscira (aka Paradise Island, which sounds like Jimmy Buffet’s jam) to the deadly realm of man (aka Earth), there’s a whole lot to unpack in the latest sneak peek at Gal Gadot’s first solo movie. And since it doesn’t arrive until next summer, we have plenty of time to take it all in.
It feels like Comic-Con has already begun, what with all the new sneak peeks at upcoming movies like Rogue One and The Dark Tower. But how about a fresh look at a new superhero film? Four images from Wonder Woman have debuted online, and as you can see, it looks like Gal Gadot’s Diana Prince is looking for a fight.
Warner Bros. has been revealing some new promotional materials ahead of tonight’s big Dawn of the Justice League event on The CW, which will offer a new Suicide Squad trailer, our first look the united Justice League and maybe even a sneak peek or two at Wonder Woman (fingers crossed). Until then, WB has debuted the official logo for Diana’s upcoming film, and it looks very…metal. Like, literally metal, but also maybe sort of figuratively metal?
Not that we exactly needed someone to confirm the World War I setting of Wonder Woman, given the leaked set photos and the persistent rumors that the film divides its time between WWI-era and modern-day, but just in case you wanted something more official, Chris Pine has confirmed the movie's time period and — as a bonus — is teasing a possible cameo from iconic Wonder Woman TV star Lynda Carter.
As has been heavily rumored since last year, we know that at least part of the Wonder Woman solo film will take place during World War I, a fact supported by the first set photo of Chris Pine and co-star Said Taghmaoui, and reiterated by the latest batch of images from the set of the highly-anticipated solo superhero outing. The new photos reveal what Gal Gadot’s Diana Prince looks like in WWI-era civilian clothing and give us another look at Pine.