Darth Vader

'Star Wars Rebels' Boss on Aborted Darth Vader-Maul Fight
'Star Wars Rebels' Boss on Aborted Darth Vader-Maul Fight
'Star Wars Rebels' Boss on Aborted Darth Vader-Maul Fight
Star Wars Rebels is preparing to tie off a major continuity knot with a final showdown between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul, though it’s worth wondering how else a fan-favorite like Maul could have impacted the Star Wars we know. Case in point, showrunners reveal the Season 2 fight that might have seen Vader cutting down Maul, and why said foe endured.
Soule & Camuncoli Lead 'Darth Vader' Towards The Dark Side
Soule & Camuncoli Lead 'Darth Vader' Towards The Dark Side
Soule & Camuncoli Lead 'Darth Vader' Towards The Dark Side
Marvel's Star Wars tie-in comics have been one of the publisher's strongest arms since it acquired the license, and it's no surprise that it would look launch a new Darth Vader ongoing title at some point. The new Darth Vader series by Charles Soule and Giuseppe Camuncoli is said to dig into Anakin Skywalker's nascent days as a newly-minted Sith lord, as he attempts to build the iconic red lightsaber he wields in the films.
‘Rogue One’ Spoiler Review
‘Rogue One’ Spoiler Review
‘Rogue One’ Spoiler Review
You’ve seen Rogue One. You’ve read our spoiler-free review. Now you’re ready to go deeper. Like the Rebels in the film, you want to smuggle the deepest, darkest secrets out of enemy territory and pass them along to those who need them most. As luck would have it, we’ve got a Rogue One spoiler discussion ready to provide exactly that.
Balance of the Force: The Best Star Wars Cosplay Gallery
Balance of the Force: The Best Star Wars Cosplay Gallery
Balance of the Force: The Best Star Wars Cosplay Gallery
We may be far removed from the original days of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo and Darth Vader, but those stories are nonetheless timeless. If anything, Star Wars: The Force Awakens was proof enough that almost four decades later, the world is still ready to have intergalactic larger than life heroes and villains that tell a fantastic story. Perhaps most importantly, the Star Wars universe, both core and expanded, is an incredibly rich tapestry of characters that provide endless opportunity for cosplay. In celebration of the characters we are quite familiar with and those that are a little more obscure, we’ve gathered a grand array of cosplay here in one place.
Enter to Win a Darth Vader and R2-Q5 Figure Set
Enter to Win a Darth Vader and R2-Q5 Figure Set
Enter to Win a Darth Vader and R2-Q5 Figure Set
Ever wanted your own personal Sith Lord to do thy bidding? Need an astromech droid to record your day-to-day dalliances for the Galactic Empire? Both of those things can be hard to track down, but lucky for you, we just so happen to be giving those exact things away. That's right, you can take home your very own R2-Q5 Imperial Astromech Droid and Return of the Jedi Darth Vader sixth-scale figures just because we like you. Sure this Darth Vader won't actually be able to Force Choke anyone that's giving you the business, but you can pretend he is. That's close enough, right?
Sideshow 'Return of the Jedi' Darth Vader Figure Review
Sideshow 'Return of the Jedi' Darth Vader Figure Review
Sideshow 'Return of the Jedi' Darth Vader Figure Review
Sideshow Collectibles has long been providing the collecting world with sixth-scale figures based on Star Wars. In fact, until Hot Toys jumped on the bandwagon ahead of The Force Awakens, Sideshow was pretty much the only place you could find high-end figures based on George Lucas’ creation. Still, in all that time, there haven’t been a tremendous amount of these figures released, with Sideshow carefully curating its collection with some unexpected choices. Of course, you can’t have the Star Wars license without putting your own spin on the Sith Lord Darth Vader. As one of the most recognizable entities from the saga, Vader is a prime choice for an action figure. In fact, he’s such a marquee character, it’s the second time Sideshow’s released a figure for him. However, there are plenty of improvements with this revamped edition of Sideshow’s previous Return of the Jedi Darth Vader to make it more than a simple repeat viewing.
Everything Comes To A Head In 'Darth Vader' #25 [Preview]
Everything Comes To A Head In 'Darth Vader' #25 [Preview]
Everything Comes To A Head In 'Darth Vader' #25 [Preview]
Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroca's Darth Vader series has stretched the bounds of what was thought possible with a villain-centric comic, and perhaps most impressively of all, it managed to cohesively link the Vader of the prequels with the Vader of the original trilogy in a convincing and compelling fashion. Over the past two years, the creators have taken Vader on a perilous journey into becoming his own man and learning to slowly defy the Emperor, and in December's Darth Vader #25 everything comes to its epic conclusion. Marvel has sent out an unlettered preview featuring Vader, Aphra, and of course Emperor Palpatine, to whet our appetites ahead of the finale.

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