David Ayer Yelled ‘F--- Marvel!’ at the ‘Suicide Squad’ Premiere
David Ayer Yelled ‘F--- Marvel!’ at the ‘Suicide Squad’ Premiere
David Ayer Yelled ‘F--- Marvel!’ at the ‘Suicide Squad’ Premiere
The Golden Age of Marvel Comics kicked off in 1961 with Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s Fantastic Four #1. The company’s rivalry with DC Comics began almost immediately, as Marvel’s stable of new and refreshing characters like Spider-Man and the Hulk challenged DC’s long-held industry dominance and their roster of Superman, Batman, and the Justice League. Both companies now dominate not only comics publishing but Hollywood moviemaking as well. Although Marvel has an undeniable edge in their massive cinematic universe, DC, through parent company Warner Bros., has made a major push into movies with an extended universe all their own.
Every DC Animated Original Movie Ranked From Worst to First
Every DC Animated Original Movie Ranked From Worst to First
Every DC Animated Original Movie Ranked From Worst to First
Has any one person meant as much to the DC Universe over the past 25 years than Bruce Timm? When the animator and TV producer co-created Batman: The Animated Series with Eric Radomski back in 1992, he and his team at Warner Bros. offered a fresh take on an iconic character, finding a balance between the breezy fun of the ’60s Batman and the darker Dark Knight of the ’70s and ’80s. Timm then went on to co-create one of the more entertaining versions of Superman in another animated series, debuting in 1996; and in 2001 he carried the lessons from those two shows into Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, which together comprise some of the best superhero television ever made.
The Man of Tomorrow: The Best Superman Fan Art Ever
The Man of Tomorrow: The Best Superman Fan Art Ever
The Man of Tomorrow: The Best Superman Fan Art Ever
Superman is the best. The. Best. In every possible way you can take that statement. It’s not up for debate. He’s the first superhero. He’s the greatest superhero. If there can be but one superhero, he’s the only superhero you need or that matters. If you asked a thousand people to draw or describe what a superhero is supposed to look like, the consensus design would undoubtedly most closely resemble Superman. The idea of Superman is so iconic, that even as his look and costume continue to change and evolve over time and be interpreted and re-imagined by countless artists the world over, he somehow still manages to be instantly recognizable as Superman. The amazing and eclectic collection of art I’ve put together here only serves to illustrate my point!
Fantastic Five: Worst Superman Costumes
Fantastic Five: Worst Superman Costumes
Fantastic Five: Worst Superman Costumes
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our years on the Internet, it’s that there’s no aspect of comics that can’t be broken down and quantified in a single definitive list, preferably in amounts of five or ten. And since there’s no more definitive authority than ComicsAlliance, we’re taking it upon ourselves to compile Top Five lists of everything you could ever want to know about comics. Superman is responsible for laying the foundation for what we would come to know as the "superhero costume", so it stands to reason that every time anything about his changes; it makes headlines and gets people talking. But for a character that’s been around as long as Superman, it’d be silly not to expect him to mix it up every now and then and try on a new outfit. But they can’t all compete with his classic look. In fact, most of them can’t. The red, yellow, and blue has stood the test of time for a reason, so this week we’re looking at a few of Superman’s less successful wardrobe choices.
Fantastic Five: Female Supermen
Fantastic Five: Female Supermen
Fantastic Five: Female Supermen
Hello again and welcome to another episode of Fantastic Fives, the show where we tell you the irrefutably correct five answers to a particular topic in comics, and you tell us how wrong we are in the comments! This week we’re looking at the best female Supermen. When Superman started leaping buildings and out-powering locomotives, the age of superheroes was born! And when you’re responsible for the birth of a new genre of entertainment, it stands to reason that people are going to try to take what works about your formula and do their own thing with it.
Fantastic Five: Best Spider-Man Team Ups
Fantastic Five: Best Spider-Man Team Ups
Fantastic Five: Best Spider-Man Team Ups
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our years on the Internet, it’s that there’s no aspect of comics that can’t be broken down and quantified in a single definitive list, preferably in amounts of five or ten. And since there’s no more definitive authority than ComicsAlliance, we’re taking it upon ourselves to compile Top Five lists of everything you could ever want to know about comics. Everyone loves Spider-Man, and since almost everything that happens in the Marvel Universe happens in New York City, it’s no surprise that Marvel’s most popular web-slinging New Yorker has run into basically every Marvel character at one point or another. But this week, we’re not just looking for some random time Spidey and Daredevil stopped a bank robbery and got hot dogs. We’re talking about the kind of crossovers that are so colossal or crazy that they only come around once in a great while.
Here’s Your First Official Look at the Movie Justice League!
Here’s Your First Official Look at the Movie Justice League!
Here’s Your First Official Look at the Movie Justice League!
Like Quicksilver trying to keep up with the Flash, DC’s movie offerings have lagged far behind Marvel’s Cinematic Universe for almost a decade. But DC and Warner Bros. are stepping up their superhero game in a big way in 2016. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens in just over two months, with Suicide Squad trailing not far behind. After that, the floodgates open: Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, Shazam, and, of course, the Justice League. And that one comes in two parts, in 2017 and 2019. That first Justice League movie isn’t due for another year, but the marketing onslaught is about to kick off, as DC Films just launched its official Facebook page with a very cool piece of artwork: the first official look at the movie Justice League, in concept art form.
Fantastic Five: Best Marvel Wonder Women
Fantastic Five: Best Marvel Wonder Women
Fantastic Five: Best Marvel Wonder Women
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our years on the Internet, it’s that there’s no aspect of comics that can’t be broken down and quantified in a single definitive list, preferably in amounts of five or ten. And since there’s no more definitive authority than ComicsAlliance, we’re taking it upon ourselves to compile Top Five lists of everything you could ever want to know about comics. They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, and as some of our earlier episodes have shown, Marvel isn’t afraid to compliment their Distinguished Competition by homaging, or straight up copying, some of DC’s most popular characters. Since her introduction in 1942, Princess Diana, better known as Wonder Woman, has become without question the most well-known and influential superheroine in the world. We already showed you some of the best analogues Marvel made for the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight, and now it’s time to round out DC’s Trinity with the Amazing Amazon!
Fantastic Five: Worst DC Comics Events
Fantastic Five: Worst DC Comics Events
Fantastic Five: Worst DC Comics Events
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our years on the Internet, it’s that there’s no aspect of comics that can’t be broken down and quantified in a single definitive list, preferably in amounts of five or ten. And since there’s no more definitive authority than ComicsAlliance, we’re taking it upon ourselves to compile Top Five lists of everything you could ever want to know about comics. Nobody’s perfect, and just because DC is home to some of the world's greatest superheroes and some of the most memorable villains in comic history, that doesn’t mean it hasn’t had its fair share of awful moments as well. This week, we point our all-seeing eye of judgment at five of the worst events in DC's history.

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