Fantastic Five: Best Draculas in Comics
Fantastic Five: Best Draculas in Comics
Fantastic Five: Best Draculas in Comics
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our years on the Internet, it’s that there’s no aspect of comics that can’t be broken down and quantified in a single definitive list, preferably in amounts of five or ten. And since there’s no more definitive authority than ComicsAlliance, we’re taking it upon ourselves to compile Top Five lists of everything you could ever want to know about comics. The Halloween season is upon us, and even though any time is always a good time to think about Dracula, this is probably an especially good time, so today we’re going to be talking about comics’ best Draculas!
Domo Goes DC In New Funko Figures And Minis
Domo Goes DC In New Funko Figures And Minis
Domo Goes DC In New Funko Figures And Minis
The big-mouthed manga star and stop-motion spokesthing for NHK, Target and 7-11 known as Domo will take on a new role this spring: cosplayer. Funko will release two lines of Domo figures donned in DC Comics duds in March. There'll be five Pop...
Rucka Talks Creator Relations At Marvel, DC: “I’m Sick To Death Of The Way The Big Two Treat People”
Rucka Talks Creator Relations At Marvel, DC: “I’m Sick To Death Of The Way The Big Two Treat People”
Rucka Talks Creator Relations At Marvel, DC: “I’m Sick To Death Of The Way The Big Two Treat People”
Greg Rucka has been talking about what was behind his decision to leave DC a couple of years ago, and how he feels about the end of his tenure on Marvel's Punisher - as well as his feelings about both companies' current attitude towards creators in general...
Happy 95th Birthday, Jack Kirby
Happy 95th Birthday, Jack Kirby
Happy 95th Birthday, Jack Kirby
You hear it all the time: "Jack Kirby is the King of Comics." "Jack 'King' Kirby." "Marvel's House of Ideas is The House That Jack Built." Most people, comics critics and the like, usually leave it there. The idea that Jack Kirby is one of the most important people of the comics industry is taken for granted, most times...
Superhero Body Diversity: Female Artists Offer Their Take
Superhero Body Diversity: Female Artists Offer Their Take
Superhero Body Diversity: Female Artists Offer Their Take
Two weeks ago we ran an article on ComicsAlliance looking at body diversity and superheroes. We asked four artists to rank male and female superheroes by size and describe which athletic types they resembled. The aim was to see if an unspoken consensus exists about what superheroes should look like or if they all belonged to the same generic model...
Grant Morrison Leaving ‘Action Comics’ And ‘Batman Inc’ In 2013, No Longterm Superhero Work Planned Afterward
Grant Morrison Leaving ‘Action Comics’ And ‘Batman Inc’ In 2013, No Longterm Superhero Work Planned Afterward
Grant Morrison Leaving ‘Action Comics’ And ‘Batman Inc’ In 2013, No Longterm Superhero Work Planned Afterward
Grant Morrison has announced that the end is nigh... for his superhero work, at least. The writer will be leaving both Action Comics and Batman Incorporated within the next year, and outside of two already-in-progress shorter works for DC Comics, he has no other superhero work planned to replace those books...

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