doc savage

Expect Spirited, Savage Debuts From DC’s ‘First Wave’ In April
Expect Spirited, Savage Debuts From DC’s ‘First Wave’ In April
Expect Spirited, Savage Debuts From DC’s ‘First Wave’ In April
As a reader with some semblance of self-restraint, I usually try to hold back before committing to the idea of a new comic series - That is, when Brian Azzarello and Rags Morales aren't involved. Sporting key terms like "pulp-y, neo-noir and hard-boiled" and starring characters like Doc Savage, The Spirit and Batman, DC's upcoming "First Wave" series pretty much has my number a
Doc Savage Puts the Pulp Back In DC’s Paper
Doc Savage Puts the Pulp Back In DC’s Paper
Doc Savage Puts the Pulp Back In DC’s Paper
Superman and Wonder Woman have been saving the world with a combination of laser eyes, invisible planes, and colorful costumes for decades, but their predecessors -- the pulp magazine heroes of the early 20th century -- practiced crime-fighting that involved a combination of brains, brawn, and an avalanche of bullets...
Doc Savage and The Phantom Get Hardcover Treatment!
Doc Savage and The Phantom Get Hardcover Treatment!
Doc Savage and The Phantom Get Hardcover Treatment!
Press Release Moonstone Books offers one of a kind, hardcover prose collections for preorder! With the ever-growing success of their new prose line (featuring Kolchak: The Night Stalker, The Spider and more), Moonstone Books has decided to create limited hardcover editions for their two newest collections, The PHANTOM CHRONICLES and DOC SAVAGE: The Lost Radio Scripts of Lester Dent ...