
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 09.12.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 09.12.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 09.12.16
In honor of the caped crusaders of the convention scene, ComicsAlliance has created Best Cosplay Ever (This Week), an ongoing collection of some of the most impeccable, creative, and clever costumes that we’ve discovered and assembled into a super-showcase of pure fan-devoted talent.
Give 'Em Elle: More All-Female Reboots Please
Give 'Em Elle: More All-Female Reboots Please
Give 'Em Elle: More All-Female Reboots Please
Over the weekend, I saw Ghostbusters. I loved it, but I’m not here to review it. Obviously one of the things that everyone has talked about is the female cast. There’s been a lot of backlash against it, and a lot of people defending the choice, and a plenty saying it shouldn’t matter. But honestly, I think it does matter, and I’m all in favor of it. In fact, I want to see more women-dominated reboots of previously male-dominated properties. Here’s the thing: We need more movies with woman-led casts, and that makes a movie like this even more exciting, but there’s more to it than that. Changing up the cast automatically gives the movie a freshness it wouldn’t have had with men.
Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good: The Best Ghostbusters Fan Art
Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good: The Best Ghostbusters Fan Art
Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good: The Best Ghostbusters Fan Art
However you first came to it, Ghostbusters was a classic of the 1980s. Its special blend of action and comedy, sci fi and the supernatural, made it unlike anything else at the time, and nothing that tried to imitate it really came close (not even Ghostbusters II). In celebration of the new Ghostbusters and the classic film that inspired it, here's some great fan art of characters and scenes from both movies. A lot Egon Spengler, a lot of Jillian Holtzmann, some Slimer, even a Gozer or two. This is the gallery to scroll through while you're deciding who you're going to call.
The Weirdest Ghostbusters Mechandise
The Weirdest Ghostbusters Mechandise
The Weirdest Ghostbusters Mechandise
If you’ve been to the supermarket or the toy store lately you’ve seen a lot of Ghostbusters tie-in merchandise. Action figures, beverages, snack cakes, stuffed dolls; you name it, they’re making it to promote the new Ghostbusters movie opening in theaters this Friday.
12 Facts You May Not Have Known About Ghostbusters
12 Facts You May Not Have Known About Ghostbusters
12 Facts You May Not Have Known About Ghostbusters
Everyone loves comic book trivia, but with over 75 years of superhero comics behind us right now, there’s always some new obscure fact to learn. That’s why ComicsAlliance is going deep into the minutiae of your favorite names in comics in our continuing video series. You think you know comics? Well, here’s a few things you might not know! This week we're taking a look at those boys and/or girls in gray who definitely ain't afraid of any amount of ghosts, the Ghostbusters! But not, like, in the movies, or the cartoons, or video games. In this comics. This video runs through the comic book history of the Ghostbusters from their debut in a British comics magazine to various 3-D specials to their time in manga up to the present day, where there has been a whole new team of 'Busters, and an expansion to fight vapors, entities, and slimers across the globe. Bustin' out facts makes me feel good!
Ghostbusters Dimensions Lets You Become a Ghostbuster
Ghostbusters Dimensions Lets You Become a Ghostbuster
Ghostbusters Dimensions Lets You Become a Ghostbuster
Since I was a kid, nary a day has gone by that the dream of being an actual, for real Ghostbuster hasn't crossed my mind. Growing up with the franchise, my household was a treasure trove of almost all the Ghostbusters goods you could imagine. Never got that Firehouse playset, but I did have that sweet role-play proton pack, trap and Ecto goggles. I don't quite fit into those anymore though, so it's a little hard for me to pretend without investing the time and effort into building my own proton back and kit as a number of similarly aged Ghostbusters fans have already done. Until now, that was pretty much the only way to indulge the fantasy. Then The Void came along with its new hyper reality experience. Teaming with Sony and Madame Tussaud's, The Void opened up Ghostbusters Dimensions as part of the new Ghostbusters Experience at the Times Square location of the wax museum franchise. While virtual reality is breaking through in a large way this year, Void ramps things up by completely immersing you in not just a visual experience, but a completely interactive one. Once you suit up with your headset, backpack and blaster, you are in the world of the Ghostbusters, and it's up to you to explore the space and eliminate the spectral menaces inside. All those hours of running around my neighborhood blasting phantoms was finally going to pay off.
'Ghostbusters' Back to TV With 'Ecto Force' Animated Series
'Ghostbusters' Back to TV With 'Ecto Force' Animated Series
'Ghostbusters' Back to TV With 'Ecto Force' Animated Series
The new Ghostbusters remains untested at the box office, but that isn’t about to stop Sony Pictures Animation from busting the franchise wide open. Realer than The Real Ghostbusters, more extreme than Extreme Ghostbusters, the paranormal paladins are headed back to TV with a new animated Ecto Force series sending the Ghostbusters into the far-flung future.
Is This Box Haunted? Unpacking Mattel's Ghostbusters
Is This Box Haunted? Unpacking Mattel's Ghostbusters
Is This Box Haunted? Unpacking Mattel's Ghostbusters
I was almost too scared to open the box of Ghostbusters goods Mattel dropped on my doorstep. Those girls and guys might not be afraid of no ghost, but that doesn't mean I am... am not... I am not not afraid of no ghost? Ghosts are very real and very spooky. I've seen movies like The Conjuring and Insidious. Those are based on true events so you know they are telling honest narratives and portraying the supernatural elements with the correct amount of realism. I know Ghostbusters is primarily a work of fiction because it doesn't come with that same disclaimer, but I was still wary about the potential for a haunting to happen in my home once this box's contents were spilled on the floor. I can say with some authority that after opening the box, everything appears to be in the clear. This is despite Mattel sending over a package filled with specters of unknown origin, which could have sunk their ectoplasmic hands into the foundations of my apartment to haunt it for the rest of time. Fortunately, that's not the case (yet), and instead of a gaggle of living impaired vaporizing in and out of existence in the halls, I've got a decent little collection of Ghostbuster toys.
Lego Dimensions Brings Everyone in the Universe Together
Lego Dimensions Brings Everyone in the Universe Together
Lego Dimensions Brings Everyone in the Universe Together
If you thought the first year of Lego Dimensions brought together more characters and franchises than you thought humanly possible, wait until you get a load of what TT Games has in store for 2016. The first official trailer for Lego Dimensions: Year Two (my titling, not theirs) arrived today and with it came a wealth of unexpected surprises. Yes, Batman, Gandalf and Wyldstyle are back again, but the portal has opened in new worlds featuring Harry Potter, Teen Titans Go!, Adventure Time, the A-Team, Goonies, Gremlins, the Powerpuff Girls and like a bajillion others. Lego is not playing around. What's more, every single new set is 100% compatible with everything that's already been released. You know what that means? You can have BA Baracus drive the Mystery Machine. You can have the Joker and Voldemort fight over who has a pastier complexion. You can have Beast Boy and Mowgli take down Beetlejuice. Dogs and cats living together; mass hysteria!
On The Cheap: Check Out The 'Ghostbusters' Humble Bundle
On The Cheap: Check Out The 'Ghostbusters' Humble Bundle
On The Cheap: Check Out The 'Ghostbusters' Humble Bundle
On paper, it seems like there are a lot of reasons to be suspicious of IDW's Ghostbusters comics. As much as that company's done really well by its licensed properties, there's so much of Ghostbusters that doesn't feel like it would translate well to comics, that's all tied up in being a movie and carried by the charisma and delivery of the actors. In practice, though, Erik Burnham and Dan Schoening have somehow managed to take everything that is Ghostbusters, from the movies to the video game, and make an expanded universe that works beautifully. But if you want to see how well it works for yourself, now is your chance: This week's Humble Bundle has a whole bunch of Ghostbusters stuff, and you can pick up everything they've got on offer for fifteen bucks.

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