
Titan Unveils Variant Covers For Spurrier & Boyle's 'Hookjaw'
Titan Unveils Variant Covers For Spurrier & Boyle's 'Hookjaw'
Titan Unveils Variant Covers For Spurrier & Boyle's 'Hookjaw'
Sharks are really cool. This is something that is known from the youngest of ages, and something that is carried in the hearts of men and women throughout their lives. Sharks are inherently one of the coolest animals in the world. When it was announced that Titan Comics is reviving the classic sharksploitation strip Hookjaw, suddenly the dearth of shark-focused comics in the marketplace became readily apparent. Check out the variant covers courtesy of Titan!
Titan Revives Sharksploitation Comic 'Hookjaw'
Titan Revives Sharksploitation Comic 'Hookjaw'
Titan Revives Sharksploitation Comic 'Hookjaw'
Are you currently fulfilled with the amount of comics starring sharks in your life? I didn't think so. Thankfully, that void in your soul is going to be filled this December with the revival of the cult British series Hookjaw by Titan Comics. The series once deemed too controversial for British newsagents is getting a 21st-century makeover later this year, courtesy of Si Spurrier, Conor Boyle, Giulia Brusco and Rob Steen.