Best Covers Ever (This Year): DC Comics 2016 Edition
Best Covers Ever (This Year): DC Comics 2016 Edition
Best Covers Ever (This Year): DC Comics 2016 Edition
What may go down as one of the worst years in recent memory is slowly crawling to a close, and while we wish it good riddance and hope against hope that 2017 will be an improvement, there is some small solace in looking back over the year that's passed and figuring out what stuff from it was the best. That's right, it's "Best of..." list time, and today we're taking a look at the Best DC Covers of 2016.
New JLU 3-Packs Feature Flash’s Rogues, Plastic Man And….Pants
New JLU 3-Packs Feature Flash’s Rogues, Plastic Man And….Pants
New JLU 3-Packs Feature Flash’s Rogues, Plastic Man And….Pants
The folks at The Fwoosh have a sneak peak at some of the upcoming "Justice League Unlimited" action figure three-packs, and it's safe to say that I'm very pleased with this lineup. The first collection features Silver Banshee, Heat Vision Superman and the never-before-seen Metallo, complete with T-800 face and ripped up yellow sweater...