
ComicsAlliance Celebrates Amoktober!
ComicsAlliance Celebrates Amoktober!
ComicsAlliance Celebrates Amoktober!
While other sites may be content to bring you Rocktober, Shocktober or Mohawktober, ComicsAlliance is committed to commemorating the things that really matter! That's why this month, we're bringing you 31 days of Star Trek's most explicitly boner-related episode as we celebrate Amoktober...
‘SHATNERQUAKE’ — A Novel of Many Shatners
‘SHATNERQUAKE’ — A Novel of Many Shatners
‘SHATNERQUAKE’ — A Novel of Many Shatners
With a name like 'Shatnerquake' and the tagline 'William Shatner? William Shatner. William Shatner!' it's not hard to imagine what you're going to get out Jeff Burk's fanfictiony action novel, and whether or not you want it. The story begins with Shatner attending the fictional Shatnercon where the famous characters he has played -- Kirk, TJ Hooker, Denny Crane, etc...