The Final Chapter of ‘League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century’ Set for June [Preview]
The Final Chapter of ‘League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century’ Set for June [Preview]
The Final Chapter of ‘League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century’ Set for June [Preview]
You knew the end of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century was coming, and as its publication date draws closer we can finally get a pretty good look at the shape it will take. Top Shelf Productions has released the cover, a five-page preview and some info regarding League of Extraordinary Gentleman: Century #3, the concluding chapter of the third volume of writer Alan Moore and artist Kevin
Top Shelf Announces ‘League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: 1988”
Top Shelf Announces ‘League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: 1988”
Top Shelf Announces ‘League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: 1988”
This morning, Top Shelf announced the long-awaited next installment of Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen saga, shocking fans and retailers alike with the news that not only would O'Neill not be drawing it, but that after last year's "Century: 1910," Moore's scripts were jumping ahead almost 80 years for "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: America 1988.