Tour Britain's Greatest Super-Prison In 'Ninjak' #23 [Preview]
Listen: At this point, we all know that I am deeply, fervently in the tank for Ninjak and its incredibly rewarding blend of over-the-top high concept action and deeply strange psychological storytelling, mostly because I talk about how much I love it at literally every opportunity. Because of that, I've been excited about the upcoming "Seven Blades of Master Darque" storyline since it was announced, and while some of you might still be on the fence, they didn't need to do anything else to lure me in. But they did it anyway.
As this preview reveals, the storyline that kicks off in next week's Ninjak #23 from Matt Kindt, Marc Laming, and Ulises Arreola will feature a cutaway diagram of an underground prison full of deathtraps. Don't miss it!