
Parting Shot: Mark Trail vs. the Marijuana Growers
Parting Shot: Mark Trail vs. the Marijuana Growers
Parting Shot: Mark Trail vs. the Marijuana Growers
Ah, Mark Trail. My old nemesis. The 66-year-old newspaper comic about a wildlife photographer and his informative and outdoorsy adventures Mark Trail first came to my attention during a completely insane storyline where a woman who lived near Mark Trail made friends with a deer, a relationship that made her physically abusive husband so jealous that he shot it...
The 15 Worst Comics of the Decade, Part 2
The 15 Worst Comics of the Decade, Part 2
The 15 Worst Comics of the Decade, Part 2
Prev ComicsAlliance's 15 Worst Comics of the Decade continues! Spider-Man: Sins Past (2004-2005) What did Spider-Man fans ever do to J. Michael Stracynski, Mike Deodato Jr. and Marvel Comics to merit the anguish that was "Sins Past...
Newspaper Cancels Comic Strips, Survivor Style
Newspaper Cancels Comic Strips, Survivor Style
Newspaper Cancels Comic Strips, Survivor Style
Like every other newspaper in the country, "The Kansas City Star" is looking to bring down its overhead. One of the ways they're hoping to accomplish this is by doing something they should have done a long time ago: canceling comics, "Survivor" style...