Lettering is an art form that doesn’t get enough recognition in comics, and when it’s done well you’ll often not notice it. However, Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka, Nicola Scott, Romulo Fajardo Jr, and Jodi Wynne incorporates the lettering in a few unique ways that add extra layers to the storytelling, and is emblematic of how a new approach to lettering is improving DC Comics on the whole.
We seem to have missed a step somewhere. Just a few years ago, having a queer character in a superhero comic was a huge deal. There would be boycotts and mainstream news stories. And now we’re told that it’s totally not a big deal for Wonder Woman, the most important female superhero in history, and a third of DC Comics’ trinity, to be queer. It’s so not a big deal that you should have already known. It’s so not a big deal that it doesn’t even need to be directly stated in a DC comic, and in fact to do so would be clumsy and unnecessary.
But shouldn’t there have been a step in between? A moment when it was no longer forbidden for Wonder Woman to be queer, but not yet such a casual affair that to even state it in her comic would be passé? A moment when it would be appropriate to show Wonder Woman’s queerness in a comic book, rather than telling it in an interview?
With Should I Be Reading… ?, ComicsAlliance hopes to offer you a guide to some of the best original ongoing comics being published today.
Black Magick is a beautiful and haunting Image series by Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott, about the occult, witch hunters, detectives, and the darkness biding its time just below the surface of the mundane world.
The Year One storyline in Wonder Woman is, at least to me, the most exciting part of Greg Rucka's return to the character. Sure, her origin has been told many times --- in fact Renae De Liz and Grant Morrison have both rewritten it just in the past year. But this take is important for two reasons: First, even though he's had a previous run on the book and is beloved by most Wonder Woman fans, this is the first time Greg Rucka has covered this ground. And secondly, this comes at a time when the ground needs to be covered. Check out an exclusive preview of issue #4!
We're very quickly heading into a golden age of comic book television adaptations, not only with superhero shows such as Iron Fist (teased at a panel on Thursday) and Defenders (likewise), but with hit adaptations of indie properties like The Walking Dead and Preacher. Production companies are quickly learning that indie comics are a rich vein of longform storytelling just waiting to be tapped, and there's now a scramble to find the next hit.
Following on from the announcement that Rick Remender and Wes Craig's Deadly Class was heading to TV under Joe and Anthony Russo, another fan-favorite Image Comics series is heading to TV; Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott's Black Magick.
Wonder Woman #2 is the first chapter of "Year One" by Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott, with colors Romulo Fajardo Jr. The whole issue alternates between scenes of a young Diana living on Themyscira and a young Steve Trevor in the military, leading up to the famous moment when they meet. But we learn a lot more about their lives before we get there, and that's led to a particularly strong fan reaction to Diana's life among the Amazons.
Greg Rucka's return to Wonder Woman was one of the standout announcements from DC's Wondercon panel in March, and with art by Liam Sharp and Nicola Scott it's easily one of the most anticipated books of the new relaunch. In honor of Sharp's birthday yesterday, DC Comics unveiled new preview pages from Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1.