On The Cheap

These 'Shaft' Comics Are 99 Cents Each - Shut Your Mouth!
These 'Shaft' Comics Are 99 Cents Each - Shut Your Mouth!
These 'Shaft' Comics Are 99 Cents Each - Shut Your Mouth!
One of the really nice things about the rise of digital comics is that there's always a sale going on, and this week, Dynamite has one that's definitely worth checking out. It's listed on the site as a "Recent Hits" sale, and there are a lot of great comics from the past year that are up for 99 cents each: the amazingly weird Bob's Burgers tie-in that features a new installment of Tina's Erotic Friend Fiction in each issue; the beautiful Conan/Red Sonja crossover; the surprisingly great Django/Zorro series from Matt Wagner, Quentin Tarantino and Esteve Polls; the Kirby-inspired Captain Victory; and even the first issues of their new King Features line. It's one of those sales where it's easy to spend a whole lot of money --- which, I believe, is the entire idea --- but if you've only got the budget to check one thing out, then there's one book that I can recommend over everything else: David F. Walker and Bilquis Evely's Shaft, one of the year's best miniseries.
On The Cheap: 1973's 'Prez' #1-4 On Sale For 99 Cents Each
On The Cheap: 1973's 'Prez' #1-4 On Sale For 99 Cents Each
On The Cheap: 1973's 'Prez' #1-4 On Sale For 99 Cents Each
I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record every time I say this, but this week's DC Comixology sale has some really fantastic comics in it. The Justin Gray/Jimmy Palmiotti/Amanda Conner run on Power Girl is an absolute hoot, and John Ostrander and Tom Mandrake's Martian Manhunter has a lot of really fantastic stuff if you're into seeing how the pieces of the DC Universe can fit together. But if you're tapped out from all the deals they've been throwing at you for the past few weeks and you can only get one comic in this week's sale, if all you have is one thin dollar bill to spend on comics, then you need to get Prez #1. It might just be the weirdest thing you can buy.
On The Cheap: 'Snake Eyes: Agent Of Cobra'
On The Cheap: 'Snake Eyes: Agent Of Cobra'
On The Cheap: 'Snake Eyes: Agent Of Cobra'
If you went to Comixology yesterday to check out the week's new releases, you wouldn't have seen a GI Joe sale featured on the main page, but there's one going on right now that features a whole lot of great comics. The main attraction here is probably the six issues of Tom Scioli and John Barber's senses-shattering Transformers vs. GI Joe on sale for a buck each, but let's be real with each other: If you are the kind of person who takes this site's recommendations on what comics to buy, there's a good chance that you've already got those. What you might have missed, though, is one of the best Joe stories in recent memory: Mike Costa and Paolo Villanelli's Snake Eyes: Agent of Cobra. It's compelling, character driven, features one of the best fight scenes of the year, and, perhaps most importantly, it has Destro and Snake Eyes teaming up to take on the world. If you haven't read it, you should pick it up - even if you've never been a fan of GI Joe.
On The Cheap: 'Hitman' #1-40 Are Currently 99 Cents Each
On The Cheap: 'Hitman' #1-40 Are Currently 99 Cents Each
On The Cheap: 'Hitman' #1-40 Are Currently 99 Cents Each
This week's DC Comixology sale features one of the best lineups of dollar books that the publisher has ever done, with great comics like JM DeMatteis, Keith Giffen and Shawn McManus's highly underrated Dr. Fate, Mark Waid and Bryan Hitch's all-too-brief run on JLA, and Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham's Batman Incorporated — including the issue Burnham wrote about Batman Japan fighting Lady Tigerfist, a lady with tigers for fists — but really, those books are all tied for second. If you don't already own Garth Ennis and John McCrea's Hitman and you take this as anything other than an opportunity to get as much of it as you can, then you're doing something wrong.
On The Cheap: Five Must-Have Issues From DC's New 52 Sale
On The Cheap: Five Must-Have Issues From DC's New 52 Sale
On The Cheap: Five Must-Have Issues From DC's New 52 Sale
If you're the kind of person who does a lot of digging through Comixology sales and digital dollar boxes waiting for a good deal to roll around, then you probably noticed that DC spent last month putting a whole slew of back issues on sale every week to support the stories used as source material for Convergence. This month, Convergence is over, but it looks like the sales are going to keep going --- DC launched what it's touting as its biggest digital sale ever to promote its new roster of "DC You" titles.
Check Out the Highlights from Humble's IDW/Top Shelf Bundle
Check Out the Highlights from Humble's IDW/Top Shelf Bundle
Check Out the Highlights from Humble's IDW/Top Shelf Bundle
Over the past few years, the Humble Bundle has become a pretty reliable source for getting great comics at incredibly cheap prices, to the point where I finally had to sit down and read a bunch of comic books about robots that turn into cars because it just didn't make financial sense not to. This week, though, it looks like they're officially done fooling around. The current bundle, which runs through June 10th, finds Humble teaming up with IDW and Top Shelf to offer a massive amount of books.
On The Cheap: Kyle Baker's 'Plastic Man'
On The Cheap: Kyle Baker's 'Plastic Man'
On The Cheap: Kyle Baker's 'Plastic Man'
Over the past few weeks, Comixology has done a pretty amazing job of staying on top of DC's Convergence event with a string of sales based on the different eras that were brought into Bottleworld to fight it out. This week marks the end of Convergence and, along with it, the end of this particular set of sales, but they've decided to go out with a bang. In addition to some classic Bronze Age Justice League and fun, continuity-bending Booster Gold, they're shining the spotlight onto one of the greatest --- and most underrated --- DC books of the 21st Century: Kyle Baker's Plastic Man.
'Suicide Squad' #58: The Issue That Killed Grant Morrison
'Suicide Squad' #58: The Issue That Killed Grant Morrison
'Suicide Squad' #58: The Issue That Killed Grant Morrison
Over the past few weeks, Comixology has done a pretty amazing job of staying on top of DC's Convergence event with a string of sales based on the different eras that were brought into Bottleworld to fight it out, and this week is no exception. There's amazing stuff in there focusing on the Justice League International, the amazingly underrated 90s Superboy run, and one of the greatest comics of all time, the late '80s Suicide Squad. But with all those great books to choose from, you might need a little help narrowing it down. Like, let's say you can only buy one comic from the entire sale. If that's the case, then my recommendation would be that you jump on Suicide Squad #58. You know, the one where a werewolf kills Grant Morrison.
Comixology's 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Sale
Comixology's 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Sale
Comixology's 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Sale
I think we can all agree that the best comics are cheap comics, which is why I always keep an eye on Comixology's sales page to see if there are any good deals to be had. This week, there's a massive Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sale, including all ten volumes of IDW's current TMNT series, plus the miniseries collections that go with it. It's a lot of comics, and that presents a problem of its own: With so much out there to get, which ones should you pick up? This time, the answer's simple: You should get all of it. Seriously. It's that good.
Your Best Bets For Comixology's 'Flash' Sale
Your Best Bets For Comixology's 'Flash' Sale
Your Best Bets For Comixology's 'Flash' Sale
I think we can all agree that the best comics are cheap comics, which is why I always keep an eye on Comixology's sales page to see if there are any good deals to be had. This week, there's a massive sale going on featuring The Flash, which has pretty consistently been one of the best and most innovative comics at DC for the past 50 years. But that presents a good problem to have: With so much on sale (and so many great comics out there), what are the hidden gems that you should look for while they're on sale? Fortunately for you, you have a guide that has read a lot of back issues and knows just which ones to check out!