War On 'Lucifer': One Million Moms Lack Sympathy for the Devil
Did you know that many Christians object to the Devil? It's strange but true. Since he's a character who originated in their own favorite book, you'd think they'd be even more invested in him than the rest of us. But apparently, like so many over-invested nerds, Evangelical Christians are only interested in a version of the Devil that lines up with their reading of the source material, which in this case means not only a bad guy, but the worst guy of all time, who's also responsible for all other bad things that have ever happened in the world.
Noted anti-everything trolls One Millions Moms, a group whose membership is not limited to actual moms and whose actual numbers remain vague, have chosen Fox's Lucifer, a show based on a comic written by Mike Carey that was based on a comic written by Neil Gaiman, as their latest target for one of their "let's give this thing we hate as much free publicity as possible" campaigns.