our valued customers

Parting Shot: ‘Our Valued Customers’ Reminds Us That New Year’s Resolutions Are Pretty Hard To Keep
Parting Shot: ‘Our Valued Customers’ Reminds Us That New Year’s Resolutions Are Pretty Hard To Keep
Parting Shot: ‘Our Valued Customers’ Reminds Us That New Year’s Resolutions Are Pretty Hard To Keep
It's the beginning of a new year, which means many of us are making resolutions that we will almost certainly break try our best to keep. For what is likely a significant amount of comic fans, one major resolution is to not spend so much on hobbies -- specifically, comics...
Overheard in a Comics Store: ‘Our Valued Customers’ [Webcomic]
Overheard in a Comics Store: ‘Our Valued Customers’ [Webcomic]
Overheard in a Comics Store: ‘Our Valued Customers’ [Webcomic]
Blair Butler's Story of the Week! digg_url = '//comicsalliance.com/2010/11/09/our-valued-customers-webcomic/'; tweetmeme_url = '//comicsalliance.com/2010/11/09/our-valued-customers-webcomic/'; tweetmeme_source = 'comicsalliance'; In what seems like the ingenious comic book version of Overheard In New York, a cartoonist and comic book store employee known only as MRTIM has prodigiously kept tra