Corey Lewis's 'Sun Bakery' Delivers A One-Man 'Shonen Jump'
When Sun Bakery was announced a few weeks ago, it was described as a "one-man Shonen Jump" --- an anthology title inspired by the manga that brought the world Dragon Ball and One Piece. That is, to say the least, a pretty tall order, but in a medium that has always thrived on big ideas and bold execution, it's one that's welcome. So really, when Corey Lewis says that he's going to write and draw a bimonthly anthology series featuring three all-new stories in every issue, you sort of have to just sit back and watch that happen, and hope that it all works out for the best.
The first issue won't be hitting shelves until next month, but thanks to a review copy provided by Press Gang, we don't have to just hope any more. While the Shonen Jump comparison might be shooting a little high, Sun Bakery delivers on its promise with three of the most energetic, entertaining, action-packed and unexpected stories of the year.