
100 X-Men: Rating Jean Jr., Wolfsbane, Archangel, the Braddocks
100 X-Men: Rating Jean Jr., Wolfsbane, Archangel, the Braddocks
100 X-Men: Rating Jean Jr., Wolfsbane, Archangel, the Braddocks
Who are the greatest ever X-Men? We’re going to try to answer that question with your help, by putting the spotlight on different individual X-Men from across the franchise’s long history and pairing up your votes with the votes and opinions of our panel of highly opinionated X-Men fans. Your scores will be added to ours to determine the top 100 X-Men. We're heading into the home stretch with another bumper crop of mutants (and associated hangers-on), including the last surviving Jean Grey, the once-and-future Braddock twins, a girl who turns into a wolf, a girl who turns into a shark, the younger, sexier, stupider version of Cable, and a whole bunch of women with just one name.
Wolverine’s Simone Bianchi On The Evolution Of His Art [Interview + Massive Process Post]
Wolverine’s Simone Bianchi On The Evolution Of His Art [Interview + Massive Process Post]
Wolverine’s Simone Bianchi On The Evolution Of His Art [Interview + Massive Process Post]
I first became aware of the work of Simone Bianchi around 2006, when he began illustrating incredibly striking and welcomingly unusual covers for the DC Comics series Detective Comics. Shortly thereafter I caught up with Bianchi's similarly distinctive interior stylings in the collected edition of Seven Soldiers of Victory...
Jeph Loeb & Simone Bianchi Reunite To Resurrect Wolverine Villain Sabertooth [NYCC 2011]
Jeph Loeb & Simone Bianchi Reunite To Resurrect Wolverine Villain Sabertooth [NYCC 2011]
Jeph Loeb & Simone Bianchi Reunite To Resurrect Wolverine Villain Sabertooth [NYCC 2011]
Everyone knows that death is never permanent in superhero comics, but even this is a surprise. Despite being graphically decapitated in the conclusion of 2003's Wolverine: Evolution, the X-Man's longtime nemesis Sabertooth will return to the land of living in a future story by Jeph Loeb and Simone Bianchi, the creators who took him out in the first place...