
Parting Shot: ‘Big Bird No More’ By Francesco Francavilla [Art]
Parting Shot: ‘Big Bird No More’ By Francesco Francavilla [Art]
Parting Shot: ‘Big Bird No More’ By Francesco Francavilla [Art]
After the infamous Clint Eastwood vs. Chair incident at this summer's Republican National Convention, artist Francesco Francavilla created a clever piece of art to mock commemorate the incident. Now, following Mitt Romney's debate comments regarding his plans for defunding PBS, the home of Big Bird (and debate moderator Jim Lehrer), Francavilla has created a new piece of art, paying homage to Joh
Parting Shot: Cookie Monster And Grover Do Musical Spoofs of ‘The Avengers,’ ‘Doctor Who,’ And More
Parting Shot: Cookie Monster And Grover Do Musical Spoofs of ‘The Avengers,’ ‘Doctor Who,’ And More
Parting Shot: Cookie Monster And Grover Do Musical Spoofs of ‘The Avengers,’ ‘Doctor Who,’ And More
Share It Maybe, Cookie Monster's remix of the popular Carly Rae Jepsen song, became an instant internet hit, going viral roughly 17 seconds after it hit the web. Riding the wave of his newfound musical success, this time Cookie Monster is joined by his good friend (and occasional superhero) Grover, as they visit the Entertainment Weekly offices and do musical spoofs of The Avengers, Doctor Who, Th
Sesame Street Goes to Strange Places in AJ Paglia’s Art
Sesame Street Goes to Strange Places in AJ Paglia’s Art
Sesame Street Goes to Strange Places in AJ Paglia’s Art
AJ Paglia knows how to work some black magic when comes to designing Sesame Street T-shirts from an alternate dimension. One of his masterpieces looks like Jack Kirby and Matt Furie had a nightmare together, while another one imagines Gonzo going all "Walking Dead" on Kermit the Frog...
Sesame Street And Street Fighter Perform An Ultra Combo
Sesame Street And Street Fighter Perform An Ultra Combo
Sesame Street And Street Fighter Perform An Ultra Combo
Grover already has a superhero alias, so why shouldn't he pick one up as tournament-ready master of Yoga Fire as well? This seems to have been thought process at work for deviantART user Matt Crane who put together a gallery of Street Fighter Muppet and Sesame Street mash-ups that look like nothing you're liable to see in an Udon comic anytime soon - at least as far as any public announcements tha