Rumors have circulated over the last few weeks that a Punisher show on Netflix may be on the cards, spinning out of Jon Bernthal's performance in the upcoming second season of Daredevil, while previous rumors suggested that the platform might deliver a Moon Knight show. The first raft of Marvel Netlix shows is less than halfway through launching, and Netflix boss Ted Sarandon has said that further shows are possible, but there are no current plans to do more than a couple of shows a year. 'Phase Two' of Marvel's Netflix plans may be a few years away.
But that won't stop us speculating wildly on the shows we'd like to see if the platform does pursue a more aggressive Marvel strategy and move beyond the current line up of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. So in the spirit of wishful thinking, we asked our contributors the question; Which Marvel property would you like to see turned into a Netflix show?
Among the myriad worlds unveiled in Marvel's Secret Wars this summer is one inspired by Tibetan mysticism, Chinese mythology, and Marvel's very own mysterious fictional enclave of martial artist, K'un-Lun. Master of Kung-Fu by W Haden Blackman and Dalibor Talajic offers a Shaw Brothers spin on the Marvel Universe, centered on Shang-Ch's fight with his evil wizard father, and introducing new versions of Kitty Pryde, Elektra, Iron Fist, and more. Marvel has provided us with an exclusive unlettered four-page preview.
The mysteries of Battleworld, the new merged world that forms the basis for Marvel's forthcoming Secret Wars event, are slowly trickling out in the form of various tie-in titles and mini-series announcements. Thus far most of what we know either relates to Marvel Universe characters like Magneto and Loki, or describes in broad terms the publisher's plans for the various "warzones." But today Marvel announced the first specific mini-series set in a Battleworld world; Master Of Kung-Fu.
Written by Haden Blackman and illustrated by Dalibor Talajic, the series is set in the mystical land of K'un Lun and stars Shang-Chi in fight to dethrone his despotic father. Fans will know that Shang-Chi's father in old Marvel continuity was none other than Fu Manchu -- a character Marvel long ago lost the rights to. A recent retcon introduced a new identity for his father, an ancient sorcerer named Zu, and the new series looks set to cement that change.
ComicsAlliance's Chris Murphy reviews the biggest -- and best -- books coming out this week.
The title of the first story in this one-shot anthology is "Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu & Deadpool in: The Annual Race to Benefit Various and Sundry Evil Organizations and Also the Homeless (Now W