Yesterday saw the launch of Weekly Shonen Jump, the latest incarnation of Viz Media's anthology collecting material from the Japanese title of the same name. The reason for the relaunch is a good one, though: Now the digital magazine will include material released on the same day in the original Japanese version...
You may consider yourself a fan of Naruto or One Piece because you enjoy the manga, but if you were a real fan, you'd already have booked yourself a flight to Tokyo so that you could hang out in the just-announced Weekly Shonen Jump indoor theme park that will open next year...
I grew up watching the Atlanta Hawks, Atlanta Falcons, and Ohio State Buckeyes (football, of course). Sports are something I'm really into, though not to the point that I'll paint my face and show up shirtless to your tail gate party. But, y'know, on gameday, I'll wear a Hawks wristband or shirt to show my support...
Movies: Batman's The Dark Knight Rises rides were caught chillin' on a truck at TDKR's Pittsburgh set.
Manga: Viz is taking submissions for its storyboard contest through today. Winners will have their work critiqued at San Diego Comic-Con by Hisashi Sasaki, deputy director of Shueisha's Shonen Manga Group and former EiC of Japan's Shonen Jump...
This was announced last year, but it's finally about to come to fruition: The Stan Lee manga, "Ultimo," hits "Shonen Jump" next month. I know manga is a Big Thing and I don't blame Stan Lee for wanting a piece, but seeing his name attached to pictures of guys with eyes five times the size their mouths is just kind of weird, you know...
VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry's most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, has announced a bevy of special events, interactive games, artist appearances, a special theatrical screening, and speaker panels for the 2007 Comic-Con International...
Press Release
VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry's most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, has announced a special road show to highlight SHONEN JUMP™ NARUTO™ to fans across the country. The tour k