
Link Ink: Stan Lee Webslings, Game of Pirates and Animated ‘Battleship’ Bricks
Link Ink: Stan Lee Webslings, Game of Pirates and Animated ‘Battleship’ Bricks
Link Ink: Stan Lee Webslings, Game of Pirates and Animated ‘Battleship’ Bricks
Gaming: Stan Lee continues to swing in the latest image promoting his Amazon preorder exclusive playability in the upcoming The Amazing Spider-Man game. Publishers: SLG Publishing has applied for a Chase Bank and LivingSocial's Mission: Small Business program grant, which, if obtained, would supply the company with $250,000 if received...
‘Friends With Boys’ Creator Faith Erin Hicks on the Economics of Graphic Novels
‘Friends With Boys’ Creator Faith Erin Hicks on the Economics of Graphic Novels
‘Friends With Boys’ Creator Faith Erin Hicks on the Economics of Graphic Novels
It seems like we're hearing a lot lately from writers and artists about the grim financial realities of working full-time in the comic book industry. No doubt made worse by the global economic crisis, some problems include DMZ and Northlanders creator Brian Wood's report that his income dropped by 30-40% in 2010; Batgirl and Fairest cover artist Adam Hughes' claim that drawing full comics is actua
SLG Publishing Endures Infinite Crises of Drunks, Rats and Urine [Video]
SLG Publishing Endures Infinite Crises of Drunks, Rats and Urine [Video]
SLG Publishing Endures Infinite Crises of Drunks, Rats and Urine [Video]
We've heard time and again how hard it is to be an independent comic book publisher, but never have we heard of trials and tribulations so harrowing as those of SLG Publishing. The San Jose, California-based publisher of such eccentric titles as Ross Campbell's Shadoweyes, Roman Dirge's Lenore, Evan Dorkin's Milk & Cheese, Van Jensen and Dusty Higgins' Pinocchio: Vampire Hunter and Jhonen Vasq
New ‘Tron: Legacy’ Trailer Evokes ‘Tron: Ghost in the Machine’ Memories
New ‘Tron: Legacy’ Trailer Evokes ‘Tron: Ghost in the Machine’ Memories
New ‘Tron: Legacy’ Trailer Evokes ‘Tron: Ghost in the Machine’ Memories
The new "Tron: Legacy" trailer has kind of set the Internet ablaze with equal parts nostalgia and awe - and rightly so - but some comic fans might point out that this is actually the film's second sequel thanks to SLG Publishing's 2006 six-issue miniseries (and a novelization) "Tron: Ghost in the Machine...
Scott Saavedra’s Collected ‘Java Town’ To Perk Up This March Through SLG
Scott Saavedra’s Collected ‘Java Town’ To Perk Up This March Through SLG
Scott Saavedra’s Collected ‘Java Town’ To Perk Up This March Through SLG
Despite coffee's inherent importance to the creation of comics, blogging about comics, or staying up late enough to catch up on reading comics, there's a distinct lack of coffee-themed sequential art on the stands. This March, Scott Saavedra's collected "Java Town" from SLG Publishing should help fill the void...
Vernon White’s ‘Birdhouse’ On The Way From SLG In February
Vernon White’s ‘Birdhouse’ On The Way From SLG In February
Vernon White’s ‘Birdhouse’ On The Way From SLG In February
Valentine's Day may still be far, far, in the offing, but SLG's February release of the "Birdhouse" OGN by Vernon White looks like it could have the heart to merit a pre-order. Described as a modern fairytale, the story focuses on a corrupt king so hated by his subjects that there's an attempt on his life...